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AITIC's Early Warning System

AITIC Early Warning System for WTO Non-Residents

Volume 1, Issue 3

13 September 2002

I. Highlights of this Issue (September - November 2002)

A. The Trade Negotiations Committee will hold its next meeting on 3-4 October 2002.

Seminars are being organised by the WTO Secretariat on subjects of particular interest to less-advantaged countries (LACs):

- Subsidies notification (October);
- Technical assistance in the area of customs valuation (November);
- Trade and investment (September and November);
- Rules and regional trade agreements (November);
- Trade and Environment; and
- Technical barriers to trade (date to be confirmed).

Those LACs interested in sending representatives should contact the WTO Secretariat directly for further information and details of any financial support that may be available to them.

C. Geneva Week is once again being held for the benefit of WTO Non-Residents (4-8 November).

D. The Committee on Agriculture should report to the General Council in October on export credits and implementation of the Marrakech Decision on Measures Concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least-Developed and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries.

E. The WTO's draft 2003 Technical Assistance Plan is likely to be put before the Committee on Trade and Development for consideration in October.

F. December deadlines draw closer for reports to the General Council on implementation issues, aspects of TRIPS and public health, LDCs and capacity building / technical cooperation. See "Timeline to the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference: Informal Note from the Chairman" (JOB(02)/78) for further details.

The list is based on information available on 27 June 2002.

II. Details of Selected WTO Meetings of Particular Importance to LACs

A. Negotiating Bodies & Special Sessions
(* indicates an informal meeting)

WTO Body

Meeting Dates

Subjects to be Discussed

Committee on Agriculture (Special Session)

6 September

● Programme for 2002-2003 under paragraphs 13-14 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration.

● Chairman’s report on discussions concerning technical elaboration of detailed possible modalities, including rules-related elements, in relation to market access.

● Chairman’s outline of his report to the TNC.

(See WTO/AIR/1875)

23-25*, 27 September

Domestic support: technical elaboration of detailed possible modalities, including rules-related elements.

(See TN/AG/1)

18-20*, 22 November

Matters requiring follow-up from previous meetings.

(See TN/AG/1)

Committee on Trade and Development (Special Session)

7 October

Agenda not yet available.

● Paragraph 12 of the Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns requires the Committee to:

- identify mandatory and non-mandatory special and differential treatment provisions;

- consider the legal and practical implications of converting non-mandatory obligations into mandatory ones;

- identify those provisions that should be made mandatory;

- examine other ways of making such provisions more effective and assisting developing countries to make the best use of them;

- consider how special and differential treatment can be incorporated into the architecture of WTO rules.

(See TN/CTD/1)

Committee on Trade and Environment (Special Session)

10-11 October

Agenda not yet available.

Council for Trade in Services (Special Session)

28-31 October,

1 November

Agenda not yet available.

● Paragraph 15 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration required initial requests for specific commitments to be submitted by 30 June 2002, while initial offers should be submitted by 31 March 2003.

Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Special Session)

20 September

Negotiation of the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits.

(See WTO/AIR/1889)

28 November

Agenda not yet available.

Dispute Settlement Body (Special Session)

10-11 September

Discussion of proposals already submitted (“track two”) and discussion of specific issues raised in proposals.

(See WTO/AIR/1881)

14 October

Agenda not yet available.

13-15 November

Agenda not yet available.

Negotiating Group on Market Access

12-13 September

Tariffs and non-tariff barriers affecting non-agricultural products.

(See WTO/AIR/1880)

4-6 November

Agenda not yet available.

Negotiating Group on Rules

16-18 October

● Subsidies and countervailing measures.

● Regional trade agreements.

● Antidumping.

(See TN/RL/1)

25-27 November

Agenda not yet available.

Trade Negotiations Committee

3-4 October

Agenda not yet available, but will include consideration of reports from subsidiary bodies.

B. Other WTO Bodies

WTO Body

Meeting Dates

Subjects to be Discussed

Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices

21-25 October

Agenda not yet available.

● 21-22 October: Working Group on Implementation.

● 23 October: Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention.

Committee on Customs Valuation

30 September-
1 October

Agenda not yet available.

Outstanding implementation issues to be addressed by the Committee are found in paragraph 8 of the Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns and tirets 57-61 of JOB(01)/152/Rev.1.

4-5 November

Agenda not yet available.

Committee on Market Access

23 September

Agenda not yet available.

Paragraph 1.2 of the Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns requires the committee to consider the meaning of “substantial interest” in the context of quota administration.

Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

7-8 November

Agenda not yet available, but subjects are to include:

- implementation of special and differential treatment provisions;

- report to the TNC;

- Article 4 equivalence; and

- technical assistance and cooperation.

● New issues under the monitoring procedure should be identified by 7 October 2002.

● Additional agenda items should be notified by 25 October 2002.

(See G/SPS/R/27)

Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

19 September

The Committee has a number of outstanding implementation issues to deal with. See paragraph 10 of the Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns and tirets 64-83 of JOB(01)/152/Rev.1.

(See also WTO/AIR/1883)

31 October-
1 November

Consideration of notifications by members.

(See WTO/AIR/1844)

Committee on Trade and Development

8-9 October

Agenda not yet available, but likely to deal with issues carried over from previous meetings and consideration of the 2003 Technical Assistance Plan.

26 November

Agenda not yet available.

Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures

14 October

Agenda not yet available.

Outstanding implementation issues in tirets 37-40 of JOB(01)/152/Rev.1:

- developing countries will have a further opportunity to notify existing measures which could then be maintained until the end of the new transition period;

- Article 5.3 must be amended and made mandatory;

- developing countries will be exempted from disciplines on domestic content requirements; and

- inclusion of specific provisions to give flexibility to developing countries to implement development policies.

Council for Trade in Services
21-24 October
Agenda not yet available.
Council for Trade in Goods
1 October
Agenda not yet available.
3-4 October
Agenda not yet available, but the central issue will be trade facilitation.
8 November
Agenda not yet available.
22 November
Agenda not yet available.

WTO Body

Meeting Dates

Subjects to be Discussed

Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

17-19 September

● Paragraph 6 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration (public health).

● Implementation issues in tirets 93-94 of JOB(01)/152/Rev.1 and the LDCs’ proposal on transition periods.

● Review of the application of the provisions on geographical indications and consideration of their possible extension.

● Review of Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement..

● Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

● Protection of traditional knowledge.

● Review of the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement.

● Implementation of Article 66.2 (technology transfer).

● Non-violation complaints.

● Electronic commerce.

● Members’ notifications and reviews of implementing legislation.

● Technical cooperation and capacity building.

(See WTO/AIR/1879)

25-27 November

Agenda not yet available.

General Council

15-16 October

Agenda not yet available, but likely to include reception of a report from the Committee on Agriculture, dealing with two implementation issues (export credits and NFIDCs).

Seminar on Regional Trade Agreements

13 November

Agenda not yet available.

Seminar on Rules

4-5 November

Agenda not yet available.

Seminar on the Special Sessions of the Committee on Trade and Environment

12 November

Agenda not yet available.

Seminar on Subsidies Notification

29-30 October

● Discussion of the notification obligation and exchange of experiences.

● Sponsorship available for all LDC members and observers and some other developing countries. Requests for sponsorship were due by 23 May 2002.

(See G/SCM/43)

Seminar on Technical Assistance in the area of Customs Valuation

6 November

Agenda not yet available. Subjects to be addressed by donors and recipients may include:

- challenges in implementing the Agreement on Customs Valuation;

- developing capacity building in this area; and

- exchange of experiences.

(See G/VAL/W/96/Rev.2)

Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries

7 November

Agenda not yet available. Subjects to be considered include:

- technical assistance and capacity building;

- market access;

- mainstreaming the LDC III Programme of Action into the WTO’s work programme.


Working Group on the Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy

26-27 September

● Core principles, including transparency, non-discrimination and procedural fairness.

● Technical assistance and capacity building.

● Stocktaking of national experience and legislation.

(See WTO/AIR/1888)

20-21 November

Agenda not yet available. Likely to focus on consideration of the annual report to the General Council.

Working Group on the Relationship Between Trade and Investment

16-18 September

● Technical assistance: update from the WTO Secretariat and submissions by members.

● Paragraph 22 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, in particular:

- exceptions and balance of payments safeguards; and

- dispute settlement.

14-15 November

Agenda not yet available, but likely to include consideration of the annual report to the General Council.

Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance

30 September

Agenda not yet available. The draft work programme covers:

- trade and the financial architecture;

- trade policy and financial stability;

- external debt and trade;

- market access for highly indebted low-income countries;

- coherence; and

- WTO rules.

(See WT/WGTDF/M/1 and WT/WGTDF/W/1)

Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology

10 October

Agenda not yet available, but likely to include presentations by interested organisations and members, along with discussion of papers submitted.

Workshop on Trade and Investment

13 September (French)

● To focus on subjects to be discussed at the 16-18 September meeting of the Working Group on the Relationship Between Trade and Investment.

● NB: Open only to certain Geneva-based delegations.


13 November


● To focus on subjects to be discussed at the 14-15 November meeting of the Working Group on the Relationship Between Trade and Investment.

● NB: Open only to certain Geneva-based delegations.

