I. Highlights of this issue (July September 2003)
A.Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC): upcoming meetings to be held on 14-15 July 2003 will review reports on outstanding implementation issues submitted by various negotiating bodies under paragraph 12 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration. The President of Burkina Faso made an official appearance during the 10 June meeting of the TNC (TN/AG/GEN/4) to underscore the importance of the cotton case (WT/DSB/29) to the economies and the livelihoods of the LDCs involved.
B. Special Session of the Committee onTrade and Development (CTD): Chairman of the General Council Carlos Pérez del Castillo, has intervened in the discussions on special and differential treatment (S&D) under paragraph 44 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration by introducing an approach paper (JOB(03)/68) and engaging in intense informal consultations among members. The new approach paper divides the nearly 90 outstanding S&D proposals into three categories including: proposals that are likely to be accepted; those which are at an intermediate stage (and may require work in relevant subsidiary bodies); and those requiring further work to attain viability. Substantive progress appears to have been made regarding 12 of the proposals now considered to be in the first category, with some developing country members holding out for the inclusion of two more proposals first introduced within the first submission of the African Group (TN/CTD/W/3/Rev.2) concerning Part IV of the GATT 1994 dealing with trade and development. Three deadlines have already been missed on S&D and the next meeting of the CTD in Special Session is scheduled for 14 July.
C. Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture: despite the revised draft text submitted by Chairman Stuart Harbinson regarding modalities for negotiations on further commitments (TN/AG/W/1/Rev.1), the deadline set for agreeing on modalities for negotiations lapsed on 31 March 2003. The outcome of the review of the EC Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will in many ways define the scope for progress within the stalled agriculture talks during the upcoming 1 and 16-18 of July as well as 22-24 and 26 of September meetings for this period, which will take place after the Cancun ministerial meeting.
D. Council for Trade in Services: as the deadline for submitting initial offers with regard to services negotiations lapsed on 31 March 2003, negotiations are proceeding in a Special Session. Still, significant progress was made with the adoption of the Modalities for Treatment of Autonomous Liberalisation (TN/S/6) on 6 March 2003. Progress is also expected during the next two meetings scheduled for 7 and 10 July regarding modalities on special priority for LDCs in the services negotiations based on a new draft decision on Modalities for the Special Treatment for LDCs (JOB(03)/127) dated 24 June 2003, which is itself based on a revised LDC Group proposal dated 22 April 2003 (TN/S/W/13). As the negotiating group under the Doha Mandate has achieved the most significant progress to date, some delegations have supported a cooling off period in the services negotiations in order to promote more even progress across the Doha mandated issues under negotiation.
E.Negotiating Group on Market Access (NGMA): missed a self-imposed 31 May deadline, but is continuing informal consultations largely within the context of the Chairmans draft text (Girard text, TN/MA/W/35). Based on a formula contained in the Chinese proposal, the Girard text formula would reduce and then harmonise bound tariffs towards a new reduced level. Significantly, the Girard text opens up the possibility that non-tariff barriers (NTBs) issues be dealt with in their relevant subsidiary bodies, in contrast to the position of some delegations that they should be within the NGMA. Further consideration of the text will take place during the next meeting scheduled for 9-11 July and 18-20 August.
F. Negotiating Group on Rules: will continue to discuss clarifications and improvements to the disciplines and procedures applying to anti-dumping; subsidies and countervailing measures, including fisheries subsidies; and regional trade agreements (RTAs), the next meeting is scheduled for 21-23 July.
G. Geneva Week and the AITIC Briefing Session on Geneva Week: The AITIC briefing session on Geneva Week is a milestone in cooperative efforts between AITIC and the WTO to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of non-resident commercial diplomacy in representing their interests within the WTO negotiations. Prior to the AITIC briefing session, a separate seminar for Pacific Island Countries made possible by the Australian government through its AusAid programme of assistance to developing countries will take place.
II. Details of Selected WTO Meetings of Particular Importance to LACs
A. Negotiating Bodies & Special Sessions
(shading indicates an informal meeting)
WTO Body
Meeting Dates
Subjects to be Discussed
Committee on Agriculture
(Special Session)
1, 16-18 July and
22-24, 26 September
The agenda should include continued discussion of:
● the revised Chairmans draft (TN/AG/W/1/Rev.1) covering market access, export subsidies, domestic support, S&D treatment for LDCs and further issues
● the submission by some LDCs on cotton subsidies (TN/AG/GEN/4)
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/AG/R/7.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/AG/9.
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(Special Session)
2-3 July
The agenda should include continued discussion over:
● the definition of "geographical indications" and possible geographical indications for inclusion in the system
● the purpose and definition of the system of notification and registration
● outstanding issues (practical aspects of notification, challenge mechanisms, legal effect of registration, modalities for participation in the system, etc.)
The standing draft proposal by Chairman Eui-yong Chung can be found as (JOB(02)/49). Also, see the revised factual compilation by the Secretariat in TN/IP/W/7/Rev.1.
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/IP/M/5.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/IP/6.
Council for Trade in Services
(Special Session)
7 and 10 July
The agenda should include continued:
● assessment of trade in services: individual country experiences in service sector liberalisation
● consideration of the draft decision on Modalities for the Special Treatment for LDCs (JOB(03)/127) based on the LDC Group submission on draft modalities for special treatment for LDCs (TN/S/W/13)
● discussions on negotiating proposals
● review of progress in bilateral negotiations
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/S/M/6.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/S/9.
Committee on Trade and Environment
(Special Session)
8 July
Should continue to address work on technical assistance including the possibility of financial support for developing country delegates participating in the discussions.
See WT/CTE/W/160/Rev.1 ("Matrix on Trade Measures Pursuant to Selected MEAs").
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as WT/CTE/M/33.
Negotiating Group on Market Access
9-11 July and
18-20 August
Continuing discussions on modalities for the tariff negotiations in light of the Chairmans draft text on modalities (TN/MA/W/35) which proposes a cocktail approach based on:
● a formula similar to that contained in the Chinese proposal which would harmonise tariffs towards a reduced average rate
● excluding LDCs from application of this formula
● sectorial tariff eliminations in seven areas [Note 1]
● supporting a lighter application of the formula to newly acceded members
● proposing modalities for Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) that would broaden the scope for them to be dealt with in other relevant WTO bodies.
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/MA/M/5.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/MA/11.
Committee on Trade and Development
(Special Session)
14 July
As indicated in the highlights, informal negotiations have signalled progress on category I proposals within the context of the new approach paper.
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/CTD/M/15.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/CTD/8.
Trade Negotiations Committee
14-15 July
The TNC will hear reports by Chairpersons of bodies established under paragraph 46 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration:
● Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture
● Special Session of the Council for Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
● Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services
● Special Session of the Committee on Trade and
● Negotiating Group on Market Access
● Special Session of the Committee on Trade and
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/C/M/8.
Negotiating Group on Rules
21-23 July
The "initial phase" in which to identify issues concerned with anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, including fishing industry subsidies and regional trade agreements, is now over. Research and consideration of specific negotiating parameters is proceeding (with uneven progress to date depending on the subject).
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as TN/RL/M/8.
The Chairmans report to the TNC may be found as TN/RL/5.
B. Other WTO Bodies
(shading indicates an informal meeting)
WTO Body
Meeting Dates
Subjects to be Discussed
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
2 July
Statements on implementation and administration of the TBT Agreement, as well as outstanding implementation issues in tirets 33-34 of JOB(01)/152/Rev.1:
- Article 11 shall be made obligatory so that technical assistance and cooperation is provided to all developing countries.
- Amendment of Article 12 so that developed country importers accept self-declarations from developing country exporters.
Technical assistance.
As indicated in the highlights section, the Girard draft modalities on market access for non-agricultural goods expands the possibility that NTB issues originally to be dealt with in the Special Session on Market Access will be moved into subsidiary bodies.
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as G/TBT/M/29.
Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology
10 July
Under paragraph 37 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the Working Group should examine:
● individual country experiences;
● studies submitted by universities and international organisations;
● relevant work carried out by other WTO bodies;
● the future work programme
See the Secretariat background note on the country experiences on technology transfers (WT/WGTTT/W/3).
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as WT/WGTTT/M/5.
Dispute Settlement Body
11 and 21 July
There are expectations that Australia, Brazil and Thailand may request the establishment of a panel regarding EC measures concerning its sugar policy during the 21 July meeting.
The dispute centres on allegations that EC sugar policy involves cross-subsidisation of sugar exports which:
● lead to out of quota sugar exports totalling over 5.2 million metric tons at below cost of production
● depresses world sugar prices thus harming more efficient sugar producers
This case may have important implication for countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) from which the EC imports more than a million tons of sugar a year under preferential trading arrangements.
Committee on Trade and Development on Small Economies
17 July
Under paragraph 35 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the work programme shall:
● examine issues related to small economies
● frame responses to trade-related issues identified
● not create a sub-category of WTO members
See WT/COMTD/SE/W/3 for the most significant proposals and WT/COMTD/SE/7 for questions raised regarding these proposals.
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as WT/COMTD/SE/M/4.
Committee on Rules of Origin
21 July and
29-30 September
Should continue with:
● consultations on issues related to rules of origin
● the work programme for harmonisation
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as G/RO/M/42.
General Council
24-25 July
Should include the presentation of reports regarding the negotiations on S&D, and on the outcome of discussions on paragraph 6 of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
The Chairman of the Council for TRIPS will continue to hold consultations based on the text provided by the Chair on 16 December 2002 (JOB(02)/217) regarding issues under paragraph 6 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health:
● the two most recent submission are IP/C/W/401 and IP/C/W/402 by the ACP countries and the EC, respectively
● Other relevant submissions include IP/C/W/396/Corr.1 by the US, JOB(03)/9 by the EC and JOB(03)/19 by Japan
● the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak has called a proposal comprising a list of accepted diseases subject to public health exemptions under the TRIPS Agreement into question
Outstanding implementation issues will also be considered (WT/MIN(01)/17 and
JOB(01)/152/Rev.1). The most recent minutes can be found as IP/C/M/39.
Trade Policy Review Body Senegal/Niger
Trade Policy Review Body Honduras
28-29 July
29 September
Consists of:
● a report by the Secretariat
● a report by the government undergoing the review
● circulation of the draft report to the members prior to the meeting
● a report by the lead discussant (normally a developed country with a close relationship to the country in question)
● Net Food Importing Developing Countries (NFIDCs)
● Article 18.6 of the reform program
● Other Issues
The minutes for the most recent meeting are available as G/AG/R/34.
C. Geneva Week
(shading indicates an informal meeting)
WTO Body
Meeting Dates
Subjects to be Discussed
AITIC Day of the Geneva Week for Non-Residents
13 July
State of Play of Negotiations on Agriculture
Speaker: Mr David Woods (Consultant)
Trade in Services: Progress and Achievements
Speaker: Mr Falou Samb (AITIC)
Market Access: What is at stake?
Speaker: Mr Charles Tsai (AITIC)
TRIPS: What remains to be done?
Speaker: Mr Edward Chisanga (Mission of Zambia)
Dispute Settlement: Negotiations and Case Studies
Speaker: Speaker to be announced
Special and Differential Treatment: Problems and Prospects
Speaker: Ms Esperanza Durán (AITIC)
Work Programme on Small Economies
Speaker: Speaker to be announced
Round Table Discussion:Stocktaking on Progress and the Backdrop for Cancun
Geneva Week
14-18 July
Substantive WTO meetings occurring in as part of the Geneva Week programme will include meetings of the: ● Trade Negotiations Committee
● The Committee on Agriculture (Special Session)
● The Committee on Trade and Development on Small Economies
Note 1: Electronics and Electrical goods; Fish and Fish products; Footwear; Leather goods; Motor Vehicle parts and components; Stones, Gems, and Precious Metals; and Textiles and Clothing. (return to text)