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Background Note

October 2002

WTO Situation Report: October 2002

This note takes stock of progress of the Doha Work Programme prior to the summer break, and gives an overview of what has been accomplished so far in the areas where negotiations were launched. An initial, more comprehensive assessment of the state of play regarding preliminary discussions and negotiations on several subjects (services, agriculture, dispute settlement) has already been issued under the AITIC Post-Doha Agenda series and, under the same series, Background Notes on other issues (competition, industrial tariffs and TRIPS) will be forthcoming shortly. Similarly, given the wide spectrum of the Doha Work Programme, progress in the Working Groups set up at Doha on: electronic commerce; small economies; trade, debt and finance; and trade and transfer of technology, not treated in the present note, will be the subject of separate reports. What follows is a synopsis and an update on the general developments on selected issues included in the Doha Work Programme.

Entering the Negotiating Mode
Review of the First Phase
Progress on the Doha Work Programme

Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
The Singapore Issues
Negotiating Group on Rules
Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU)
Trade and Environment
Special and Differential Treatment 
Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

