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Highlights of the AITIC-UNCTAD Anti-Dumping Seminar (28 February – 1 March 2002)
AITIC-UNCTAD Workshop on Anti-Dumping: Practical and Legal Issues in the Post-Doha Scenario (cliquer sur la connexion désirée)
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Preliminary Remarks
Dr Esperanza Durán, Director, AITIC Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Dr Manuela Tórtora, Coordinator, Commercial Diplomacy Programme, UNCTAD Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Anti-Dumping in the Multilateral Context
Mr Richard Moreland, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Import Administration, US Department of Commerce
Introduction Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Challenges for developing countries of increased transparency in anti-dumping investigations Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Dealing with the burdens of dispute resolution Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Justification for taking anti-dumping measures Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
HE Mr Alejandro Jara Ambassador & Permanent Representative of Chile to the WTO
Experience with anti-dumping in Chile
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Progress on anti-dumping at Doha
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Weaknesses in the drafting of the Doha mandate
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Commodity producers as price-takers
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Implementation Issues and Priorities for Negotiations
Anti-dumping : a North-South issue? Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
The ideological side of anti-dumping Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
The Experience of the Economies in Transition
Mr Alexander Polouektov, Director for International Policies, Coordinating Council of Employers' Unions of Russia
Introduction Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Implementation of Uruguay Round obligations? Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
WTO acceding countries and anti-dumping Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Accession difficulties of economies in transition Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
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Evénement parallèle organisé par l'ACICI, Conférence international sur le financement du développement, Monterrey, Mexique, 22 mars 2002 (cliquer sur la connexion désirée)
Introduction - Monterrey Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Evénement parallèle de l'ACICI
Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Réception Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Faubert GUSTAVE, Haïti Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Joseph DEISS, Suisse Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
Mme Chris GALLUS, Australie Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Jan O. KARLSSON, Suède Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Richard VAN RIJSSEN, Pays-Bas Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Ablassé OUEDRAOGO, OMC Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. J. Denis BELISLE, CCI Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M J. Denis BELISLE, CCI Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Ablassé OUEDRAOGO, OMC Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Niklas STROM, Suède Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Edward CHISANGA, Zambie Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Otto GENEE, Pays-Bas Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Didier CHAMBOVEY, Suisse Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Suos SOMETH, Cambodge Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan
M. Rénald CLERISME, Haïti Modem 56 kb | Isdn | Lan